Saturday, February 11, 2006

Louder than Words

Here's what happens when you try to watch the Olympic opening ceremony with your four year old. Sleepiness is catching!
Also, this just in:
Charlotte has learned to use a fork!

Ew. I really need to clean that wall. And that bowl.
Now, I know what you're going to say.

But don't worry! We leave plenty of food out for her. She prefers Purina Indoor Formula. Lots of greens, you know, for a healthy coat and a well-rounded diet. And she doesn't overeat, I swear! Oh, and we always make sure she has plenty of fresh water, from the special filter faucet on the sink, even!

Poor little Spooky doesn't stand a chance.


Blogger Tracy Lynn said...

Dude, at least she can feed herself. How many kids her age can say that? And it took so long for our team to come out last night, I was wishing I was born in Andulusia.
I would have fallen asleep on the couch, but the voice of Bob Costas wouldn't let me. That bastard.

8:52 AM  
Blogger yucaree said...

does she like the cat food? i wonder if it tastes yummy?? i mean, if it's okay for cats to eat, it can't be *that* bad, right?

i gave up on watching on the opening ceremonies. watched vh1's 100 teen stars instead. i know, i'm so shallow!

okay, one question that i'm sure's been asked a million times already: why does the u.s. team wear canadian clothes?

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can think of is showing this picture to her when she's 16 or to her fiance or when she's a Mom. You can tell stories till the cows come home but pictures are worth a 1000 words! Great stuff ...

8:38 AM  

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