I know why Maya Angelou sings

I heard Maya Angelou on NPR the other day, and for the first time in my life, I wanted to be old.
If you look back to my very first post, I described the sort of person I most want to be: pointy, pencil-thin, sarcastic, remotely amused, above-it-all, aloof, and disdainful.
After hearing Maya radiate wisdom and compassion and warmth and love and wise-woman good humor, and after marvelling over the slow and easy, confident way she spoke, I have decided there is another option for the coolest way to be.
I want to be old and wise enough to just take for granted that every word I speak comes from experience, sympathy, knowledge, and deep affection for my fellow human beings.
I want to speak truth with a kind heart.
I think I'm growing up.
I've never understood why some people hate the idea of getting older.
With each year that passes, I get happier and happier.
Which is not to say that my younger years weren't vastly more exciting- they were. It just that exciting doesn't always equal happy, ya know?
And I've gotten a little smarter too...
You're so well-adjusted.
It's taken me this long to get it.
People are always stunned when I tell them how old I am, because I still sound, act, and, I'm pretty sure, look so much younger.
But now I get the benefits of aging. Gracefully.
However - one caveat - if I EVER sign up for a senior living community in, like, Boca Raton... just start the morphine drip and ease me out of my misery.
Thank you for the article, really useful data.
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