Monday, November 14, 2005


I finally found a link for one of my favorite songs of all time, "Taylor the Latte Boy," written for and sung by Kristin Chenowith. It reminds me of how I used to go to the university coffee shop and flirt my eyelashes off with Andy.

Of course,
he never gave me free coffee.

But still. I miss that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This, of course, begs the question: Is your love a caffeinated love? And also, what would poor Andy have to do in order to live down not giving you free coffee?

12:23 PM  
Blogger Tracy Lynn said...

That's a fatal flaw, to work as a coffee slinger and yet neglect to bestow free cafe on your one true love. What's up with THAT?

12:32 PM  
Blogger grudge girl said...

I'm sayin!

4:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I needed to know if you loved me, or just getting free coffee. I'm no one's java-ho.

"What Taylor didn't know
Was I Never loved him so,
I always got my cup to go,
He's just my Java Ho."

6:45 PM  

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